Monday, June 5, 2023

What would you do?

      What would you do if you knew you only had 1 year, 1 month, 1 week, 1 day, or for that matter 1 hour left to live? A question asked throughout the ages. One of the first times I remember hearing this questions was in a movie. I don't remember which, as I know something similar has been in several over the years. I want to say Heathers, maybe? 

    The answers people give vary. Some realistic. Many unrealistic. But I came across a what if version of this very question again recently and I got me to thinking, what would I do? I know there are several things that come to mind. Most of which involve spending time with family. However, I feel that in general we all look at this question from the wrong angle. Really what we should be asking is, what's the most important thing we should do with our last sliver of time?

    What would you? What could you? What should you?

    This brought me to a realization, that the most important thing that any of us could and should do is to look out for others. To love. Now, personally, I'm a Christian so I know not everyone will agree with me as to what that means. But to unapologetically love others and tell them of Jesus. To me, that is the single most important thing we can do with our lives regardless of the time we have left. One day, or decades, it doesn't really matter. 

    Then a memory came to me. Someone lived this very question out. I used to follow this person on their social media. She was young, very sick, and was referred to hospice. Hospice being something very close as I spent years working in it, both inpatient and outpatient. And while I had never met this person face-to-face, they did something unexpected and beautiful. They started new social media pages on a couple of the most popular platforms. I'm sure you can guess what they are. And in her final few months she not only documented her experience in hospice, but also her love of Jesus. Every post pointed to His light! This person was facing death with a smile because of her faith! If only we could all be this strong!

    In her weakest state, she was her strongest because of her faith! This is so biblical! 2 Corinthians 12:9-11 says exactly this! That in our weakest moments we will see the Lord do His greatest work! And it's because we're looking at Him more and the world less! Something we should be doing all the time, but it's not until we've hit rock bottom that we realize He truly is our rock. That we lean into Him more than at any other time.

    Her final post was done by a loved one who posted a final picture of her smiling, and let the world know that she had finally been called home by the Lord. Her love for others, and a gift for writing was a blessing to all of us who were able to witness the example she set for us all. A servant leader until the end of her time here, sharing hardship and pointing to Jesus through it all. Answering the Great Commission. Answering the questions, what would you do, and what's the most important thing you could do? Thank you, Brooklyn, for your love and light. 

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