Sunday, June 18, 2023

YouTube Official

Well, for some time I'd been putting thout into adding the podcast to YouTube. So many choices were there as to how to do it best. Take the current ones that are all posted, and load them with a static picture? Re-visit all of them and re-do them all with video? Just start fresh with the current episode and drive on from there?

A prayer needing an answer. Really, it's just another way to reach people that I wouldn't be able to otherwise. I'm always looking to better be able to do such. Last week I logged into the service I use to post and distribute the podcast, and to my suprise, without notice there's a new distribution button! To my surprise, it's the answer! A few clicks to link it to the ministry YouTube page. Allowing certain permissions. Then lo and behold every episode was individually able to be distributed not only to YouTube, but also YouTube Music! Exciting times! 

It took the entire week to get every episode up, but they're all there now! Each using the episode picture it was released with as a static picture with the full audio! Once video get's to a point that's actually nice to see, we'll start recording video episodes to post there instead. Perhaps even look at doing some live broadcasts. So many options! 

We're growing. Grow with us! If you don't already listen on a podcast streaming service, head over to YouTube and check it out! Just search up "Healing Scars with Pastor Burton" and it'll show up! Don't forget to give any episodes a like as it helps the algorithym to get us out there. And of course, subscribe to it and share your favorite episodes! 

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